Mr. Antonio Lam was unanimously selected as Chairman of HAAT (2021-2022). Antonio, who is the Managing Director of Forward Transportation Co. Ltd, became HAAT Council member in 2012 and was selected as Vice Chairman in 2018 responsible for coordination with various government departments and logistics associations in logistics projects aiming at seeking competitive advantages for the stakeholders in the air-cargo transportation industry.
In his new venture as Chairman of HAAT, he will endeavor to lead HAAT to go through the difficult time currently facing air cargo industry and look for new opportunities and trends to facilitate and enhance merits and benefits to HAAT Members. In this respect, he will obtain full support from HAAT Executive Council.
Mr. Freddie Lam becomes HAAT Life Honorary Chairman after serving as HAAT Chairman since 2012. We wish to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Freddie for his contributions to our association. Under his leadership, HAAT experiences tremendous growth and development in recent years.