
In order to fulfil the new policy issued by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is about export of air cargo in Hong Kong must be subject to 100% security check on 30 June 2021. HAAT together with HAFFA and HKLA conducted an Air Cargo Security questionnaire (ICAO 2021) to understand the problems, difficulties and…


HAAT attended the 2021 Air Cargo Security Forum Luncheon, which was organized by HAFFA on 31 July.


HAAT was invited by the Hong Kong Productivity Council to provide testing sites and advice for the development of “anti-tampering wrap”.


HAAT together with HAFFA and HKLA participated in ICAO Airfreight New Measures Meeting. HAAT has also arranged six members’ airfreight warehouse as a simulation operation center for the Security Bureau and the Civil Aviation Department to visit, and provided a lot of information and advice.


HAAT attended the seminar of 2021 cargo security inspection “anti-tampering wrap” organized by ICAO.


HAAT participated in the typhoon and lack land transport information exercise organized by the Transport Department and AAHK on 27 April.


HAAT participated in the ICAO Airfreight New Measures Seminar led by the Hon Frankie Yick Chi-Ming, SBS, JP, a member of the Legislative Council.

January, 2018

On 16 Jan, HAAT attend the “Cargo Forum Day 2018” seminar organized by the Supply Chain Security Association with the content of all cargoes being checked before airfreight on June 30, 2021 and the matters of lithium battery cargo handling, E-commerce and so on.

January, 2018

HAAT participated in the “Sea Dragon Exercise 2018” under “No Land Link” (NLL) situation, which was organized by HKIA.


HAAT and members were attended the ICAO Security New Measures Meeting, which was jointly organized by the Civil Aviation Department and HAFFA.


In order to analyse the discount feasibility of parking lots and fuel company rebates, HAAT has issued the questionnaire to collect the data on the number of member vehicles, fuel suppliers and selected parking lot.


HAAT attended the Consultation Meeting on safety tail gate truck operation, which was jointly organized by the Labour Department and the Hon Frankie Yick Chi-MMing, SBS, JP, a member of the Legislative Council.


HAAT attended the opening ceremony of the HKIA Career Expo 2017, which was jointly organized by HKIA and the Labour Department and attended the founding celebration of the Hong Kong Land Transport Council.
